Newsletter and website contributions may be submitted by contacting the MVVMA.

P.O. Box 442
Medway, OH 45341

Phone: 937-228-2425 (leave a message)

Please submit advertisements by the 20th of the month for placement in the upcoming newsletter or at any time for placement on the website. All submissions will be placed in the newsletter and on the website unless otherwise requested. Classified ads up to 300 characters (not counting spaces) are free for members for 3 months. Announcements or advertisements need to be renewed monthly (by the 20th of the month) for placement in the upcoming newsletter, unless otherwise specified.

Interested in sponsoring one of our CE Events? Or are you an MVVMA member with suggestions regarding CE topics or speakers?

Contact the MVVMA using the contact form above or call 937-228-2425 and leave a message.